Tuesday, July 1, 2008


She may not look like much to you, but she made my day! I've always used my Swiffer for the floors, but when trying to get creative and figure out what I could use to clean my walls and reach high enough to get the spider webs, I happened upon the Swiffer. Why not?! At first, I covered it with the regular swiffer cover, but quickly discovered that it just wasn't working due to some of the rougher textures of the walls and wood, so I replaced it with an old white wash cloth.
Not only did it reach the ceiling...but it got the tops of the baseboards, too, (saving my back)...and the hard-to-reach areas!Just for a little perspective, in the last picture, I was standing where the swiffer is leaning and was able to reach up between the windows. Isn't it cool? I was even able to do the window sills!

What would have normally taken me all morning, I was able to do in about an hour and a half! Now that's efficiency!

If you've got some major cleaning to do, I hope I've inspired you with a more efficient way to clean. And for those of you that were already doing this, shame on you for not sharing! ;^)

Okay, off to vacuum!
Happy cleaning!


Christy Baca said...

Okay may I first say I LOVE your blog name BELLAWHOOP. I knew you as Mendy Melinda and next door neighbor. I have been talking to Jennifer Rasco and she told me about your blog today. You are one talented chica...It was so great to read about where you are in life. Okay, email me sometime:
Oh yeah and by they way you can ck out his site for his comapany. Pics of us and his projects. Talk to you later Mendy.
CYA Christy (Lichtenstein) Baca

Keri Lee Sereika said...

LOL That is so funny!!! I love it!! I love the layout of the house too...so bright and airy!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a great tip :) I don't have high ceilings like you do, or baseboards either, but it might come in handy at our next house. To funny! Thanks for the picture compliments of my flowers and family. They all make me happy. Do you have a computer program that you can enhance your pictures like Corel? I just got Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 recently and it has way cool features for digital photos. I am still learning all that it has to offer before creating something, but I have played around with it a little and it is user friendly. Let me know if you use something similar. My camera that I use is a simple Canon sureshot, but I would like to get the Rebel someday!