Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ly, my PT

I've had a very long day today and am just pooped! Today was my first day at physical therapy, which the doctor recommended for my knee pain. I learned some really interesting new things. My physical therapist, Ly (pronounced Lee), is such a sweetheart and seems like she really knows her stuff. She believes the pain in my lower back is causing my knee pain. So, if we can fix the lower back pain, hopefully everything else will fall into place. In order to fix my back pain, I need to strengthen my core muscle, that runs along the spine. We do this is several ways: by doing some really weird muscle squeezing (that I won't get into), strengthening my left buttock, and strengthening my abs. She discovered that one hip (my right one) was a little higher than my left, which was effecting my back. So, with a couple of yanks of my right leg, she pulled it back down into place. :) I also learned that my left leg is a little weaker than my right, which was a surprise to me. The two real weaknesses in my left leg were the butt and hamstring. All in all, it was quite a learning experience. After just a very short time there, I could already feel a difference by tightening that back muscle. I'm excited to do my exercises and see (and feel) the difference!

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