Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Glorious Saturday!

Our outdoor thermometer reads 89 degree, but I would be willing to bet that it got even hotter than that. I guess it's officially summer! It was a glorious day today. Read on for a few of our day's discoveries. :)

The eggs have hatched and we have baby birds! Aren't they darling? Mountain Man discovered them this morning while chopping wood. I have no idea when they hatched, but they certainly fill that little nest. It appears that they all hatched and are sleeping peacefully for now. I can't wait to start hearing their little peeps!I cleaned out flower and veggie beds and filled up all of the bird feeders. And while I was cleaning out the beds, I noticed that my little rose bush now has a white rose on it and has tons of buds!I also finally hung the new hummer feeder and filled it up. It's right next to the front door and just outside a window where I've got my tripod set up. I haven't seen any around here yet, but I'm hoping that if I hang, they will come!
Mountain Man fixed the flag pole and we finally got the flag hung (that we've had for several months now). I love it, and it's none too soon with the 4th shebang that we're having next Friday. He also cleaned all of the gutters with his leaf blower. He's so resourceful! It worked great!
And finally, I'll leave you with some more flowers around the house and a happy pooch. We're having some friends over tonight for dinner and then we're breaking in the chiminea. :)

Hope your day was happy!

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